# Protocol specification alpha

# Versioning

  • biton.VERSION = "biton" || bitonCrypto.VERSION
  • biton.PROTOCOL = biton.VERSION || "_" || biton.TRANSPORT

This document outlines the specification for protocol biton0_BitTorrent.

# Notation

  • x || y is the concatenation of x and y without a separator.
  • x |: y concatenates x and y with a colon character ('πŸ˜‚ as separator. You must use this concatenation when a field is optional. In that case, we write no bytes for the empty fields, but still add the separator.
  • [ ] denotes byte (uint8_t) arrays.
  • s[:n] is the first n bytes of s.
  • All numeric fields in the wire protocol are transmitted as Big Endian (Network byte order) values.
  • For fields of variable length, we write the field length followed by the field value.

# bitonCrypto.VERSION = 0

  • Proxying based on NoiseSocket and the noise-c library
    • bitonCrypto.NOISE_PROTOCOL = NOISE_*_25519_XChaChaPoly_Blake2b
  • Chunks encrypted with libsodium crypto_secretstream
    • bitonCrypto.secretstream = secretstream_xchacha20poly1305
  • Generic hash algorithm
    • bitonCrypto.hash = Blake2b_256

# biton node address

keypair = bitonCrypto.generateKeyPair().x25519
bitonId = bitonCrypto.base58.encode(keypair.public)

For biton*_BitTorrent:
peerId = WebTorrent.VERSION_PREFIX[:8] || bitonId[:12]

Example: for bitonId = BkZgDsGD94DtZ83BwsHgce4Q4j2qr5PQGpjPQnPj8BGs, peerId = -WW0008-BkZgDsGD94Dt in utf8, or peerId = 2d5757303030382d426b5a674473474439344474 in hex.

# Network magic

  • networkMagic: 4 β€œmagic” bytes for specifying a network (e.g. [0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74] for the test network), or no bytes for the main network

# biton swarm address

  • swarmId = biton.VERSION |: networkMagic |: swarmPath |: swarmSeed
  • swarmHash = bitonCrypto.hash( swarmId )[:20]


  • swarmPath: the path from root to the corresponding swarm in the CAN partition tree, or no bytes for the root swarm
  • swarmSeed: the seed for connecting to an application swarm (e.g. "orbit#biton"), or no bytes for the global swarm

Example: swarmId = bitonCrypto.hash ( "biton0" |: (no bytes for main net) |: 0x5 |: (no bytes for global swarm) )[:20]

# biton data chunk address

  • chunks are 1KiB, 16KiB, 128KiB, or 256KiB parts of bitonCrypto.secretstream
  • chunkHash = bitonCrypto.hash(chunk)
  • chunkId = bitonCrypto.hash(biton.VERSION |: networkMagic |: swarmSeed |: chunkHash)
  • Mesospore wire header: sporeId = spore.VERSION |: networkMagic |: chunkHash |: capabilities |: chunk

Example: sporeId = "spore0" |: [0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74] |: chunkHash |: capabilities |: chunk

# Wire message format

"5biton" || bitonCrypto.VERSION || networkMagic || command || command headers || payload

Field size (bytes) Description Data type Comments
6 Protocol char[6] protocol name length, followed by protocol name in ASCII (5biton)
1 Crypto version uint8_t 1 byte of zero ([0]) for bitonCrypto.VERSION = 0
4 Destination network magic bytes uint32_t Magic bytes for specifying biton network. Main net is 4 bytes of 0 [0, 0, 0, 0]. Test net is [0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]
1 biton command uint8_t
variable Command headers [ ]
variable Payload [ ]

# BitTorrent transport

  • Referred to as biton*_BitTorrent
  • WebTorrent extension implementing BEP 10 (opens new window)
  • Extended message ID is biton
  • Serialization using bencode (opens new window)
  • Only load extension on wires of peers in biton swarms
  • Require MSE/PE encryption for the full connection
Last Updated: 7/19/2023, 4:26:48 PM